1000 frequent GRE words

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GRE Frequent - Set 17
(30 words)Word | POS | Definition |
acclaim | verb | To praise enthusiastically and publicly |
ascertain | verb | To find out for sure |
assertive | adj. | Confidently self-assured |
bogus | adj. | Not genuine or true; fake. |
cataclysmic | adj. | Causing great destruction or upheaval |
circumscribe | verb | To restrict within limits |
complementary | adj. | Combining well to enhance or emphasize qualities |
contentious | adj. | Causing or likely to cause disagreement or argument |
disingenuous | adj. | Not sincere, typically by pretending to know less about something than one really does. |
divulge | verb | To make known something private or secret |
dogmatic | adj. | Expressing opinions strongly as if they were facts |
fallacious | adj. | Based on a mistaken belief or misleading information |
foolhardy | adj. | Recklessly bold or rash |
hinder | verb | To create difficulties for someone or something, resulting in delay or obstruction. |
impair | verb | To weaken or damage something |
impugn | verb | To challenge or call into question |
incessant | adj. | Continuing without stopping |
inclined | adj. | Having a tendency or preference |
inveterate | adj. | Having a particular habit, activity, or interest that is long-established and unlikely to change |
miserly | adj. | Unwilling to spend money |
patent | noun | A government authority or license giving a right or title for a set period, especially the sole right to exclude others from making, using, or selling an invention. |
petulant | adj. | Easily irritated or annoyed |
pithy | adj. | Concise and forcefully expressive |
pliant | adj. | Easily bent or flexible |
sanctimonious | adj. | Pretending to be morally better than others |
sound | noun | Vibrations that travel through the air or another medium and can be heard when they reach a person's or animal's ear. |
tarnish | verb | To lose luster, especially due to exposure to air or moisture |
tepid | adj. | Lukewarm; moderately warm |
upbraid | verb | To criticize or scold someone |
vexation | noun | State of being annoyed or frustrated |