1000 frequent GRE words
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GRE Frequent - Set 19
(30 words)Word | POS | Definition |
acolyte | noun | A person who assists in some religious services |
anoint | verb | To apply oil or ointment as part of a religious ceremony |
base | noun | The lowest part or edge of something, especially the part on which it rests or is supported. |
coercion | noun | The act of forcing someone to do something against their will |
coin | noun | A small, flat, round piece of metal used as money. |
cunning | adj. | Having or showing skill in achieving one's ends by deceit or evasion |
discomfit | verb | To make someone feel uneasy or embarrassed |
dissent | noun | The holding or expression of opinions at variance with those commonly or officially held. |
distill | verb | To purify a liquid by heating it so that it vaporizes, then cooling and collecting the vapor |
dubious | adj. | Feeling doubt or uncertainty |
ebullient | adj. | Cheerful and full of energy |
facetious | adj. | Treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humor |
fallible | adj. | Capable of making mistakes or being wrong |
florid | adj. | Having a red or flushed complexion |
gawky | adj. | Awkward in movement or manner |
inveigle | verb | To persuade someone to do something by means of deception or flattery |
jettison | verb | To throw away or discard something |
mendacity | noun | The quality of being untruthful |
munificent | adj. | Very generous |
naive | adj. | Lacking experience or understanding |
noble | adj. | Having high moral qualities or ideals |
parochial | adj. | Having a limited or narrow outlook or scope |
pedestrian | noun | A person walking rather than traveling in a vehicle |
prevaricate | verb | To speak or act in an evasive way |
prime | adj. | Of the best possible quality; excellent. |
radical | adj. | Relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of something; far-reaching or thorough. |
recrudescent | adj. | Becoming active again after a period of inactivity |
temporal | adj. | Related to worldly as opposed to spiritual affairs; secular |
transitory | adj. | Lasting for a very short time |
viable | adj. | Capable of working successfully |