1000 frequent GRE words
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GRE Frequent - Set 2
(30 words)Word | POS | Definition |
adulterate | verb | To make something less pure by adding inferior substances |
advocate | verb | To support or argue for a cause or policy |
aggrandize | verb | To increase the power, status, or wealth of someone or something. |
alacrity | noun | Brisk and cheerful readiness |
ambivalent | adj. | Having mixed feelings |
ameliorate | verb | To make a bad situation better |
amenable | adj. | Open and responsive to suggestion; easily persuaded or controlled. |
anachronistic | adj. | Belonging to a different time period, often outdated |
audacious | adj. | Willing to take bold risks |
avaricious | adj. | Having an extreme greed for wealth or material gain. |
banal | adj. | Lacking originality or freshness |
benign | adj. | Kind and gentle |
brazen | adj. | Bold and without shame |
calumny | noun | A false statement made to damage someone's reputation |
candid | adj. | Truthful and straightforward; frank. |
castigate | verb | To criticize someone severely |
caustic | adj. | Able to burn or corrode organic tissue |
construe | verb | To interpret or understand in a particular way |
contrite | adj. | Feeling or expressing remorse |
convoluted | adj. | Extremely complex and difficult to follow |
covet | verb | To desire something belonging to someone else |
craven | adj. | Lacking in courage |
decorum | noun | Proper behavior and good taste |
deft | adj. | Skillful and quick in one's movements |
demur | verb | To raise objections or show reluctance |
derivative | noun | A form that is based on another source |
desiccate | verb | To remove moisture |
diatribe | noun | A bitter and abusive speech or piece of writing |
incredulous | adj. | Unwilling or unable to believe something |
ingenuous | adj. | Showing innocence and simplicity |