1000 frequent GRE words

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GRE Frequent - Set 21
(30 words)Word | POS | Definition |
abject | adj. | Extremely bad or severe |
amicable | adj. | Characterized by friendliness and absence of discord |
animosity | noun | Strong hostility or opposition |
aver | verb | To state or assert confidently |
barrage | noun | A concentrated artillery bombardment over a wide area |
cathartic | adj. | Providing psychological relief through the open expression of strong emotions |
decipher | verb | To interpret or make sense of something difficult to understand |
delusion | noun | A false belief or opinion |
dispense | verb | To distribute or provide to others |
eloquent | adj. | Having or showing the ability to use language clearly and effectively |
enthrall | verb | To captivate or charm, capture the attention of |
eradicate | verb | To completely eliminate or destroy |
fledgling | noun | A young bird that has just grown feathers needed for flying |
fortitude | noun | Courage in facing pain or adversity |
fortuitous | adj. | Happening by chance, often in a positive way |
goad | verb | To provoke or annoy someone to stimulate a reaction |
imminent | adj. | About to happen soon |
incontrovertible | adj. | Impossible to deny or dispute |
itinerant | adj. | Traveling from place to place |
magnanimous | adj. | Showing a generous and kind nature |
meritorious | adj. | Deserving praise or reward |
mutiny | noun | Rebellion against authority, especially by sailors or soldiers |
paradoxical | adj. | Seemingly contradictory or opposed to common sense, yet possibly true |
perseverance | noun | Continued effort to achieve something despite difficulties or delay |
render | verb | To provide or give a service or help |
repertoire | noun | A collection of skills or pieces a person can perform or use |
resilient | adj. | Able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions |
resolute | adj. | Determined and unwavering |
supple | adj. | Flexible and able to bend easily without breaking |
valor | noun | Courage or bravery in dangerous situations |