1000 frequent GRE words
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GRE Frequent - Set 27
(30 words)Word | POS | Definition |
antagonize | verb | To make someone angry or hostile |
barren | adj. | Not producing offspring |
bombastic | adj. | High-sounding but with little meaning; inflated. |
cajole | verb | To persuade someone to do something by flattery or gentle urging |
chary | adj. | Cautious or wary |
curmudgeon | noun | A bad-tempered or surly person |
dirge | noun | A mournful song or piece of music |
estimable | adj. | Deserving respect |
euphemism | noun | A mild or indirect word or expression used in place of one considered too harsh or blunt. |
excoriate | verb | To criticize severely |
exigent | adj. | Requiring immediate attention or action |
haughty | adj. | Having or showing an attitude of superiority and disdain for others |
heady | adj. | Intoxicating or exhilarating |
imperturbable | adj. | Unable to be upset or excited; calm |
implacable | adj. | Unable to be calmed or pacified |
lambaste | verb | To criticize harshly |
miscreant | noun | A person who behaves badly or breaks the law |
peccadillo | noun | A minor fault or sin |
philistine | noun | A person who is indifferent to culture and the arts |
relegate | verb | To assign to a lower position or rank |
repugnant | adj. | Causing a strong feeling of dislike or disgust |
sentimental | adj. | Having or arousing feelings of nostalgia, tenderness, or sadness |
squander | verb | To waste something, especially money or time, in a reckless or foolish manner |
swindle | verb | To cheat or deceive someone to take their money or possessions |
tangible | adj. | Able to be touched or physically felt |
turpitude | noun | A state of moral corruption or wickedness |
unalloyed | adj. | Pure and not mixed with anything else |
undercut | verb | To offer goods or services at a lower price than a competitor |
wheedle | verb | To persuade someone to do something or give something by using flattery or coaxing |
xenophobic | adj. | Having an irrational fear or dislike of people from other countries |