1000 frequent GRE words

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GRE Frequent - Set 33
(30 words)Word | POS | Definition |
affluent | adj. | Having a lot of money and wealth |
allegorical | adj. | Symbolic representation |
allude | verb | To make an indirect reference |
amplify | verb | To increase the volume or intensity of sound. |
catastrophic | adj. | Causing sudden and severe damage or suffering |
contemporary | adj. | Belonging to the same time period as something else |
conundrum | noun | A confusing or difficult problem or question. |
defame | verb | To damage someone's reputation by making false statements |
detract | verb | To reduce the value or importance of something |
detrimental | adj. | Causing harm or damage |
devious | adj. | Using dishonest or indirect methods to achieve something |
dormant | adj. | In a state of rest or inactivity |
draconian | adj. | Excessively harsh and severe |
egalitarian | adj. | Believing in the principle that all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities |
elusive | adj. | Difficult to find, catch, or achieve |
erstwhile | adj. | Former or previous |
gloat | verb | To show pleasure at one's own success or another's misfortune |
harrowing | adj. | Extremely distressing or disturbing |
indefinite | adj. | Not having clear limits or boundaries |
ingenious | adj. | Clever and inventive |
keen | adj. | Having a sharp edge or point |
multifaceted | adj. | Having many aspects or sides |
omniscient | adj. | Having complete or unlimited knowledge, awareness, or understanding |
remarkable | adj. | Worthy of attention; striking. |
sober | adj. | Not affected by alcohol; clear-headed |
stem from | verb | To originate from or be caused by something |
subdued | adj. | Quiet and restrained |
token | noun | A piece of metal or plastic used as a substitute for money or a voucher |
unravel | verb | To untangle or separate the threads of something |
withstand | verb | To remain undamaged or unaffected by something |