1000 frequent GRE words
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GRE Frequent - Set 34
(30 words)Word | POS | Definition |
abrasive | adj. | Having a rough quality; used for rubbing surfaces to make them smooth or clean |
artful | adj. | Clever or skillful, especially in a crafty or cunning way |
avert | verb | To prevent something bad from happening |
avid | adj. | Having a keen interest or enthusiasm for something |
brevity | noun | Conciseness in speech or writing |
bromide | noun | A commonplace or boring statement |
circumstantial | adj. | Dependent on circumstances; not essential. |
cloying | adj. | Excessively sweet or sentimental to the point of being unpleasant |
counterfeit | adj. | Made in imitation to deceive |
denigrate | verb | To criticize unfairly or belittle |
disciple | noun | A follower or student of a teacher, leader, or philosopher |
extol | verb | To praise enthusiastically |
forebode | verb | To predict or indicate something bad will happen |
ideologue | noun | A person who strongly advocates for a particular ideology or set of beliefs. |
impediment | noun | An obstacle that makes progress difficult |
imperative | adj. | Absolutely necessary or required |
impulsive | adj. | Acting without forethought |
interminable | adj. | Endless or seemingly endless |
intuitive | adj. | Easy to understand without needing explanation |
lassitude | noun | A state of physical or mental weariness |
omit | verb | To leave out or exclude |
ornate | adj. | Highly decorated with complex patterns |
paltry | adj. | Very small or too small in amount |
pejorative | adj. | Expressing disapproval or belittlement |
prefigure | verb | To suggest or indicate a future event |
presage | verb | To be a sign or warning of a future event |
prescribe | verb | To authorize the use of medicine or treatment |
prevail | verb | To prove more powerful or superior |
propitiate | verb | To appease or pacify someone, especially by giving them what they want |
recapitulate | verb | To summarize or repeat the main points |