1000 frequent GRE words
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GRE Frequent - Set 4
(30 words)Word | POS | Definition |
abstain | verb | To choose not to do something |
approbation | noun | Approval or praise |
cherish | verb | To hold dear or to treat with love and affection |
corroborate | verb | To support with evidence |
disparate | adj. | Essentially different in kind; not allowing comparison. |
emulate | verb | To try to be like someone or something admired |
enervate | verb | To weaken or drain energy |
ephemeral | adj. | Lasting for a very short time |
fervid | adj. | Intensely passionate or enthusiastic |
fervid | adj. | Intensely passionate or enthusiastic |
incendiary | adj. | Designed to cause fires |
inimical | adj. | Harmful or hostile |
intimate | adj. | Closely acquainted or familiar |
invigorate | verb | To give energy or life to |
mitigate | verb | To make something less severe or serious |
obsolete | adj. | Out of date, no longer in use or no longer useful |
opaque | adj. | Not allowing light to pass through |
paradigmatic | adj. | Serving as a typical example or pattern |
pedantic | adj. | Overly concerned with minor details or rules |
placid | adj. | Calm and peaceful, with little movement or activity |
polemical | adj. | Involving strong arguments about a controversial issue |
precipitate | verb | To cause something to happen suddenly or sooner than expected |
profundity | noun | Great depth of insight or knowledge |
prophetic | adj. | Accurately predicting what will happen in the future |
prudent | adj. | Showing care and thought for the future |
punctilious | adj. | Showing great attention to detail or correct behavior |
recondite | adj. | Difficult to understand |
scrupulous | adj. | Very careful and thorough |
tranquil | adj. | Free from disturbance; calm |
vacillate | verb | To be unable to decide between different options |