1000 frequent GRE words

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GRE Frequent - Set 5
(30 words)Word | POS | Definition |
aloof | adj. | Distant or uninvolved either physically or emotionally |
clangor | noun | A loud, resonant sound |
conventional | adj. | Following accepted customs or practices |
debunk | verb | To expose the falseness of a belief or idea |
diminutive | adj. | Extremely small in size |
discernible | adj. | Able to be perceived or recognized |
enigmatic | adj. | Difficult to interpret or understand |
estranged | adj. | No longer close or affectionate to someone; alienated |
extravagant | adj. | Spending more money than is necessary or wise; wasteful |
fanciful | adj. | Imaginative or unrealistic |
frivolous | adj. | Not having any serious purpose or value |
heterogeneous | adj. | Diverse in character or content |
imperious | adj. | Having an arrogant and domineering manner |
impertinent | adj. | Rude or disrespectful |
invasive | adj. | Tending to spread aggressively |
irresolute | adj. | Uncertain in decision-making |
laudable | adj. | Deserving praise and commendation |
lax | adj. | Not strict or severe; careless or negligent |
marginalize | verb | To treat a person, group, or concept as insignificant or peripheral |
panache | noun | Distinctive and stylish flair |
plodding | adj. | Slow-moving and unexciting |
prosaic | adj. | Lacking in imagination or originality |
remedial | adj. | Intended to correct or improve something |
restive | adj. | Unable to keep still or silent, becoming difficult to control |
sporadic | adj. | Occurring at irregular intervals or only in a few places; scattered or isolated. |
stigmatize | verb | To mark someone or something as disgraceful or shameful |
undermine | verb | To weaken or damage something gradually |
utterly | adv. | Completely or absolutely |
weary | adj. | Feeling or showing tiredness |
zealous | adj. | Showing great energy or enthusiasm |