1000 frequent GRE words
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GRE Frequent - Set 7
(30 words)Word | POS | Definition |
appease | verb | To calm or pacify someone, often by giving in to their demands. |
arbitrary | adj. | Based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system |
archaic | adj. | Old and no longer in use |
clamorous | adj. | Making a loud and confused noise |
dearth | noun | A scarcity or lack of something |
explicable | adj. | Able to be explained or accounted for |
hyperbole | noun | Exaggerated statements not meant to be taken literally |
immutable | adj. | Unchanging over time or unable to be changed |
indefatigable | adj. | Persisting tirelessly |
indolent | adj. | Wanting to avoid activity or exertion |
insular | adj. | Having a narrow or isolated viewpoint |
intransigent | adj. | Unwilling to change one's views or to agree about something |
intrepid | adj. | Fearless and adventurous |
irreverent | adj. | Showing a lack of respect for things that are generally taken seriously |
loathe | verb | To feel intense dislike or disgust for |
malign | verb | To speak about someone in a spitefully critical manner |
malleable | adj. | Easily shaped or bent |
neophyte | noun | A person who is new to a subject, skill, or belief |
plastic | noun | A synthetic material made from polymers that can be molded. |
platitude | noun | A remark or statement that is overused and lacks originality |
prescient | adj. | Having knowledge of events before they happen |
pristine | adj. | In its original condition; unspoiled |
reproach | verb | To express disapproval or disappointment |
robust | adj. | Strong and healthy; Able to withstand or overcome adverse conditions |
salubrious | adj. | Promoting health or well-being |
sanction | noun | A penalty for disobeying a rule or law |
sedulous | adj. | Showing dedication and diligence |
soporific | adj. | Causing sleepiness or drowsiness |
stern | adj. | Serious and strict, especially in the assertion of authority and exercise of discipline. |
tendentious | adj. | Expressing a particular point of view, especially a controversial one |