3000 selected GRE words
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GRE Selected - Core 1
(291 words)Word | POS | Definition |
abhor | verb | To intensely dislike or hate |
abridge | verb | To shorten a text without losing the main idea |
activism | noun | Efforts to promote or direct social, political, or environmental change. |
adhere | verb | To stick firmly to a surface |
adverse | adj. | Preventing success or development; harmful or unfavorable |
alienate | verb | To make someone feel isolated or estranged |
antagonize | verb | To make someone angry or hostile |
artifact | noun | An object made by a human being, typically one of cultural or historical interest |
autonomous | adj. | Having the freedom to govern itself or control its own affairs |
bogus | adj. | Not genuine or true; fake. |
buffer | noun | A protective barrier |
bureaucracy | noun | A system of government or management with many complicated rules and ways of doing things |
bygone | adj. | Belonging to an earlier time |
cartography | noun | The science or practice of drawing maps. |
clamor | noun | A loud and confused noise, especially that of people shouting. |
clinch | verb | To secure or settle definitely |
concur | verb | To agree |
confer | verb | To discuss or exchange opinions |
console | verb | To comfort someone at a time of grief or disappointment |
consolidate | verb | To combine into a single, more effective or coherent whole |
constrict | verb | To make narrower by squeezing or compressing. |
contextualize | verb | To place something in a context |
conversant | adj. | Familiar with or knowledgeable about something |
conversely | adv. | In an opposite manner |
countenance | noun | A person's face or facial expression |
counterintuitive | adj. | Contrary to what one would expect |
counterpoint | noun | An argument or idea that contrasts with or opposes another. |
counterproductive | adj. | Having the opposite of the desired effect |
crafty | adj. | Clever at achieving one's aims by indirect or deceitful methods |
credibility | noun | The quality of being trusted and believed in |
deem | verb | To consider or judge |
deface | verb | To spoil the appearance of something by drawing or writing on it |
default | noun | A preselected option adopted by a computer program or other mechanism when no alternative is specified by the user or programmer. |
detached | adj. | Not emotionally involved or connected |
discriminating | adj. | Having refined taste or good judgment |
disjointed | adj. | Lacking a coherent sequence or connection |
dismiss | verb | To send away or allow to leave |
disperse | verb | To spread widely or scatter |
disposition | noun | A person's usual mood or temperament |
disquieting | adj. | Causing anxiety or unease |
dissent | noun | The holding or expression of opinions at variance with those commonly or officially held. |
document | noun | A written, printed, or electronic record that provides information or evidence. |
eclipse | noun | An event in which the shadow of one celestial body falls on another |
elated | adj. | Very happy or proud |
elevate | verb | To lift up or make higher |
exhaustive | adj. | Including all possibilities; comprehensive |
fanatical | adj. | Excessively enthusiastic or obsessed with something |
fanciful | adj. | Imaginative or unrealistic |
fathom | verb | To understand something deeply |
finesse | noun | Skillful handling of a situation |
fleeting | adj. | Lasting for a very short time |
figurative | adj. | Using symbolic or metaphorical language |
foreshadow | verb | To indicate or suggest something will happen in the future |
forfeit | verb | To lose or give up something as a penalty |
fortify | verb | To strengthen a place with defensive works |
fringe | noun | A decorative border or edging of hanging threads, cords, or strips, often attached to a separate band. |
gawky | adj. | Awkward in movement or manner |
gist | noun | The main or essential part of a matter |
goosebumps | noun | Small bumps on the skin caused by cold or fear |
hardy | adj. | Able to survive under bad conditions; tough |
haven | noun | A safe or peaceful place |
hearken | verb | To listen attentively |
heterogeneous | adj. | Diverse in character or content |
hierarchy | noun | A system where people or things are ranked one above the other according to status or authority. |
homogeneous | adj. | Consisting of parts or elements that are all the same |
illiberality | noun | Lack of generosity or unwillingness to give or share freely. |
implication | noun | A conclusion that can be drawn from something, although it is not explicitly stated. |
inasmuch | adv. | To the extent that |
incendiary | adj. | Designed to cause fires |
incentive | noun | Something that motivates or encourages someone to do something |
inconsequential | adj. | Not important or significant |
incorporate | verb | To include as part of a whole |
indeterminate | adj. | Not exactly known or defined |
inform | verb | To give knowledge or information to someone |
ingrained | adj. | Deeply embedded or firmly fixed |
intelligible | adj. | Able to be understood |
intrinsic | adj. | Belonging naturally; essential |
juncture | noun | A specific point in time, especially one made critical by a concurrence of circumstances. |
kudos | noun | Praise or recognition for an achievement |
landmark | noun | A prominent or conspicuous object in a landscape that serves as a guide |
layperson | noun | A person without professional or specialized knowledge in a particular subject |
levy | verb | To impose a tax or fee |
liberal | adj. | Open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values. |
likewise | adv. | In the same way |
log | noun | A part of the trunk or a large branch of a tree that has fallen or been cut off |
lull | verb | To calm or send to sleep |
metamorphosis | noun | A complete change in form or nature |
moreover | adv. | In addition to what has been said |
net | noun | A type of fabric made of interlaced threads with evenly spaced, uniform openings |
nevertheless | adv. | In spite of that |
objective | noun | A goal or aim |
obsolete | adj. | Out of date, no longer in use or no longer useful |
offhand | adj. | Casual and dismissive |
optimal | adj. | Most favorable or desirable |
optimum | adj. | Most favorable or best condition |
patronizing | adj. | Displaying a superior attitude |
philanthropy | noun | The act of giving money and help to people who are poor or in need |
phony | adj. | Not genuine; fake |
polarized | adj. | Divided into two sharply contrasting groups or sets of opinions or beliefs |
posthumous | adj. | Occurring or awarded after someone's death |
predisposed | adj. | More likely to be affected by a particular condition or inclination |
pre-empt | verb | To take action to prevent an anticipated event from happening. |
presumptive | adj. | Based on probability or assumption |
pretentious | adj. | Attempting to impress by affecting greater importance or merit than is actually possessed. |
principled | adj. | Having strong moral standards |
profound | adj. | Very deep or intense |
prohibitive | adj. | Excessively high or difficult to afford |
prologue | noun | An introductory section of a book or play |
pronounced | adj. | Very noticeable or marked |
quibble | verb | To argue or raise objections about a trivial matter |
ranks | noun | A position within a hierarchy or organization |
reap | verb | To gather or harvest a crop |
render | verb | To provide or give a service or help |
resolution | noun | A firm decision to do or not to do something |
retrospective | adj. | Looking back on or dealing with past events or situations. |
rife | adj. | Widespread, especially something undesirable |
scant | adj. | Barely sufficient or adequate |
scathing | adj. | Severely critical or harsh |
skirt | noun | A garment hanging from the waist, worn by women and girls. |
slack | adj. | Not tight or taut; loose |
slew | noun | A large number or quantity of something |
sound | noun | Vibrations that travel through the air or another medium and can be heard when they reach a person's or animal's ear. |
spate | noun | A large number or amount of things occurring in quick succession |
spearhead | verb | To lead an initiative or movement |
spectrum | noun | A range of different things, usually colors or ideas |
speculate | verb | To form a theory or guess without firm evidence |
standing | noun | Reputation or status in a community or group |
stark | adj. | Severe or bare in appearance or outline |
status quo | noun | The current state of affairs |
stingy | adj. | Unwilling to give or spend; ungenerous |
subside | verb | To become less intense or severe |
succeeding | adj. | Coming after something in time or order |
supersede | verb | To take the place of something that is considered old or no longer useful |
supplicate | verb | To ask humbly and earnestly |
surmise | verb | To guess something without having all the facts. |
synchronous | adj. | Occurring or existing at the same time |
table | noun | A piece of furniture with a flat top supported by one or more legs. |
tangent | noun | A line that touches a curve at a single point without crossing it |
timely | adj. | Happening at the right time |
torrid | adj. | Very hot and dry |
trifling | adj. | Of very little importance or value |
unearth | verb | To dig up something buried |
vintage | adj. | Classic and high-quality from a past era |
virtual | adj. | Existing or occurring on computers or the internet rather than in the physical world |
whereas | conj. | Used to contrast two different things or situations |
abase | verb | To lower in rank, prestige, or esteem |
abreast | adv. | Side by side and facing the same way |
abscission | noun | The natural detachment of parts of a plant, typically dead leaves or ripe fruit. |
abyss | noun | A deep or seemingly bottomless chasm |
accede | verb | To agree to a request or demand |
adumbrate | verb | To outline or sketch in a vague way |
albeit | conj. | Even though |
aloof | adj. | Distant or uninvolved either physically or emotionally |
analgesia | noun | Absence of pain in response to stimulation that would normally be painful. |
annul | verb | To declare invalid |
apostle | noun | A person who promotes and spreads a particular cause or belief. |
apposite | adj. | Highly relevant or suitable |
arbiter | noun | A person who settles a dispute or has ultimate authority in a matter. |
aseptic | adj. | Free from contamination caused by harmful bacteria, viruses, or other microorganisms. |
aspersions | noun | Attacks on someone's reputation or integrity |
attuned | adj. | Being aware of and responsive to something |
balloon | noun | A flexible bag filled with gas |
bane | noun | A cause of great distress or annoyance |
baying | verb | To bark loudly, typically in a prolonged manner |
brandish | verb | To wave or display something, especially a weapon, in a threatening or showy manner |
clamber | verb | To climb or move in an awkward and laborious way, typically using both hands and feet. |
coagulate | verb | To change from a liquid to a thickened or solid state |
collude | verb | To secretly work together for a deceitful purpose |
compendium | noun | A collection of concise but detailed information about a particular subject |
connote | verb | To imply or suggest an additional meaning beyond the literal one |
contraries | noun | Things that are opposite or completely different |
convoke | verb | To call together for a meeting or assembly |
declaim | verb | To speak rhetorically or passionately, often in a formal setting |
delimit | verb | To set boundaries or limits |
dilate | verb | To make or become wider, larger, or more open |
discomfiting | adj. | Causing unease or embarrassment |
doff | verb | To remove or take off, usually referring to clothing |
echelon | noun | A level or rank in an organization or system |
egress | noun | An exit or a way out |
emaciate | verb | To become extremely thin or weak |
erstwhile | adj. | Former or previous |
expedient | adj. | Convenient and practical, although possibly improper or immoral |
faction | noun | A small, organized, dissenting group within a larger one, especially in politics. |
felicitous | adj. | Well-suited or appropriate |
florid | adj. | Having a red or flushed complexion |
fluke | noun | A surprising or unexpected piece of luck |
forage | verb | To search widely for food or provisions. |
fracas | noun | A noisy disturbance or quarrel |
gestation | noun | The process of carrying or developing embryos in the womb |
glacial | adj. | Extremely cold |
gouge | verb | To make a deep hole or cut in something |
grandstand | verb | To perform ostentatiously in order to impress an audience |
grating | adj. | Sound that is harsh and unpleasant |
grouse | verb | To complain or grumble about something trivial |
hallmark | noun | A distinguishing feature |
hand-wringing | noun | Excessive worry or distress, often without taking action |
harrow | noun | A farming tool used to break up and smooth soil |
hew | verb | To chop or cut with an axe, pick, or other tool |
homage | noun | A special honor or respect shown publicly |
hotly | adv. | In a heated or passionate manner |
idyllic | adj. | Extremely happy, peaceful, or picturesque |
inconstancy | noun | The quality of being changeable or variable |
infallible | adj. | Incapable of making mistakes or being wrong |
inordinate | adj. | Exceeding reasonable limits; excessive |
inquest | noun | An official investigation to find the cause of something, often a death |
insensible | adj. | Unaware or incapable of perceiving |
insinuate | verb | To suggest or hint at something indirectly |
interplay | noun | The way in which two or more things have an effect on each other |
larceny | noun | The unlawful taking of personal property with intent to deprive the rightful owner of it permanently. |
lax | adj. | Not strict or severe; careless or negligent |
livid | adj. | Extremely angry |
lumber | verb | To move in a slow, heavy, awkward way |
lurid | adj. | Vivid in color, often creating an unpleasantly harsh or unnatural effect |
machinations | noun | Scheming or crafty actions intended to accomplish something, usually evil or deceitful |
mannered | adj. | Having good manners |
metaphysical | adj. | Relating to the abstract or transcendent aspects of reality beyond the physical world |
milieu | noun | The social environment or setting in which something occurs or develops |
mired | verb | To become stuck in mud or a difficult situation. |
modish | adj. | Conforming to or following what is currently popular and fashionable |
nontrivial | adj. | Requiring significant effort or thought to solve or understand |
normative | adj. | Establishing a standard or norm |
ostensive | adj. | Apparent or seeming, often used to describe something that appears to be true but may not be. |
pare | verb | To trim by cutting away the outer edges |
pathogenic | adj. | Capable of causing disease |
peddle | verb | To sell goods, often by traveling from place to place |
penumbra | noun | The partially shaded outer region of a shadow |
per se | adv. | By itself or in itself |
plebian | adj. | Relating to the common people |
plutocracy | noun | A government or society ruled by the wealthy |
précis | noun | A concise summary of a text or speech |
preternatural | adj. | Beyond what is normal or natural |
prolix | adj. | Using too many words; tediously lengthy |
prophetic | adj. | Accurately predicting what will happen in the future |
providential | adj. | Occurring at a favorable time; opportune |
proxy | noun | A person authorized to act on behalf of another |
pugilism | noun | The sport or practice of fighting with fists |
puissance | noun | Great power or influence |
reactant | noun | A substance that undergoes change in a chemical reaction |
recapitulate | verb | To summarize or repeat the main points |
redound | verb | To contribute to a result |
rend | verb | To tear something into pieces with force |
repertoire | noun | A collection of skills or pieces a person can perform or use |
revamp | verb | To give new and improved form |
ridden | adj. | Dominated or burdened by something undesirable |
rift | noun | A crack or split in something |
ruminate | verb | To think deeply or repeatedly about something |
savant | noun | A person with exceptional skills or knowledge in a particular area |
scintilla | noun | A very small amount |
scurvy | noun | A disease caused by a deficiency of vitamin C, leading to symptoms such as anemia, gum disease, and skin problems. |
searchingly | adv. | In a manner that seeks to find or discover something |
semantic | adj. | Relating to meaning in language or logic |
skittish | adj. | Easily frightened or nervous |
solidarity | noun | Unity or agreement of feeling or action, especially among individuals with a common interest. |
somatic | adj. | Relating to the body |
steeped | verb | To soak in liquid to extract flavor or soften |
stipulate | verb | To specify a condition or requirement |
stratagem | noun | A clever plan or trick to achieve a goal |
stratum | noun | A layer of material, often one of several parallel layers. |
strut | verb | To walk with a proud or confident gait |
supposition | noun | An uncertain belief or assumption |
surrogate | noun | A substitute, especially a person deputizing for another in a specific role or office |
synoptic | adj. | Providing a general overview or summary |
syntax | noun | The arrangement of words to create well-formed sentences. |
terrestrial | adj. | Relating to the Earth or land |
token | noun | A piece of metal or plastic used as a substitute for money or a voucher |
tumultuous | adj. | Characterized by disorder or confusion |
unsparing | adj. | Not holding back in giving or using something |
untempered | adj. | Not moderated or controlled |
vanguard | noun | The leading position in a movement or field. |
variegated | adj. | Exhibiting different colors, especially as irregular patches or streaks. |
verisimilar | adj. | Having the appearance of truth; likely to be true |
vernal | adj. | Related to or occurring in spring |
vex | verb | To annoy or irritate |
via | prep. | By way of |
virulent | adj. | Extremely severe or harmful in its effects |
wan | adj. | Pale and giving the impression of illness or exhaustion |
whet | verb | To sharpen a tool or blade |
whitewash | verb | To cover up unpleasant facts |
winnow | verb | To remove chaff from grain by blowing air on it |
xenophobia | noun | An intense or irrational dislike or fear of people from other countries. |
yoke | noun | A wooden crosspiece that is fastened over the necks of two animals and attached to the plow or cart that they are to pull. |
abound | verb | To exist in large numbers or amounts |
congenial | adj. | Pleasant and friendly |
daunting | adj. | Seemingly difficult to deal with in anticipation; intimidating |
deify | verb | To treat or worship someone as a god |
feasible | adj. | Possible to do easily or conveniently |
misnomer | noun | An incorrect or inappropriate name for something. |
negligent | adj. | Failing to take proper care in doing something |
deft | adj. | Skillful and quick in one's movements |
cacophonous | adj. | Having a harsh, discordant mixture of sounds |
canonize | verb | To officially declare a deceased person as a saint in the Catholic Church. |