This TOEFL vocabulary list has 4500 words. It is particularly useful when test day is coming, and you are planning to review TOEFL words in a short time frame.
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TOEFL 4500 - Set 10
(300 words)Word | POS | Definition |
tractable | adj. | Easily managed or controlled |
tragedy | noun | A disastrous event causing great suffering |
trait | noun | A distinguishing quality or characteristic |
traitor | noun | A person who betrays a friend, country, or principle |
trample | verb | To step heavily on something, causing damage |
tranquil | adj. | Free from disturbance; calm |
transact | verb | To conduct or carry out business |
transaction | noun | An instance of buying or selling something |
transcend | verb | To go beyond the limits |
transfix | verb | To hold motionless with amazement or awe |
transform | verb | To change in form, appearance, or structure |
transient | adj. | Lasting only for a short time |
transition | noun | The process of changing from one state or condition to another |
transitory | adj. | Lasting for a very short time |
transparent | adj. | Allowing light to pass through so that objects behind can be distinctly seen. |
transpire | verb | To occur or happen |
trap | noun | A device designed to catch or hold something |
trash | noun | Waste material or unwanted items |
traverse | verb | To travel across or through |
treason | noun | The crime of betraying one's country. |
treatment | noun | Medical care given to a patient for an illness or injury |
tremble | verb | To shake involuntarily, typically as a result of anxiety, excitement, or frailty. |
tremendous | adj. | Extremely large or great |
tremor | noun | An involuntary shaking or quivering movement |
trend | noun | A general direction in which something is developing or changing |
trepidation | noun | A feeling of fear or anxiety about something that may happen |
trial | noun | A formal examination of evidence in court |
triangle | noun | A polygon with three sides and three angles |
trickle | verb | To flow in a small, slow stream |
trifling | adj. | Of very little importance or value |
triumph | noun | A great victory or achievement. |
trivial | adj. | Of little importance or value |
trot | verb | To move at a pace faster than a walk but slower than a run |
trudge | verb | To walk slowly and with heavy steps, typically because of exhaustion or harsh conditions. |
trying | verb | Making an effort to do something |
tug | verb | To pull something hard or suddenly |
turmoil | noun | A state of great disturbance, confusion, or uncertainty |
twig | noun | A small, thin branch of a tree or bush |
typical | adj. | Representative of a type, group, or class |
ultimate | adj. | Being the best or most extreme example of its kind |
unanimity | noun | Complete agreement among everyone involved |
unanimous | adj. | Fully in agreement |
unbecoming | adj. | Not appropriate or suitable; not flattering |
unbiased | adj. | Fair and impartial |
unblemished | adj. | Free from physical or moral flaws |
uncanny | adj. | Strange or mysterious, especially in an unsettling way |
unconscious | adj. | Not awake, especially after being hit or injured |
unconventional | adj. | Not based on or conforming to what is generally done or believed. |
undaunted | adj. | Not discouraged by difficulty or danger |
underestimate | verb | To assess something as being less than it actually is |
undertaking | noun | A task or project, especially one that is large or difficult |
undo | verb | To reverse or cancel an action or effect |
unearth | verb | To dig up something buried |
unfair | adj. | Not just or equitable |
unfortunately | adv. | Regrettably or sadly |
unique | adj. | Being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else. |
universal | adj. | Applicable everywhere or in all cases |
universe | noun | All of space and everything in it including stars, planets, galaxies, etc. |
unruly | adj. | Difficult to control or manage |
unseemly | adj. | Inappropriate or improper |
unshaken | adj. | Not disturbed or moved |
unveil | verb | To remove a covering from; to reveal or disclose |
uphold | verb | To maintain or support |
upright | adj. | Vertical or erect in position |
uprising | noun | An act of resistance or rebellion |
uproar | noun | A state of noisy excitement or confusion |
upset | verb | To disturb emotionally or mentally; to make someone worried, unhappy, or angry |
urban | adj. | Related to a city or town |
urge | verb | To strongly suggest or encourage someone to do something |
urgent | adj. | Requiring immediate attention or action |
useless | adj. | Not serving any purpose or not useful |
utility | noun | The state of being useful or beneficial |
utilize | verb | To make use of |
vacant | adj. | Empty; not filled or occupied |
vacuum | noun | A space devoid of matter |
vague | adj. | Not clear |
valiant | adj. | Showing courage or determination |
valid | adj. | Legally or logically acceptable |
valor | noun | Courage or bravery in dangerous situations |
vanish | verb | To disappear suddenly and completely |
vanity | noun | Excessive pride in one's appearance or achievements |
vanquish | verb | To defeat thoroughly |
variable | noun | A symbol, character, or quantity that can change or vary |
variant | noun | A form or version that differs in some respect from other forms of the same thing or from a standard. |
variation | noun | A change or difference in condition, amount, or level |
various | adj. | Different from one another; of different kinds or sorts |
varnish | noun | A liquid applied to a surface to form a hard, clear, shiny coating |
vary | verb | To differ in size, amount, degree, or nature from something else of the same general class. |
vast | adj. | Of very great extent or size; immense |
vault | noun | A secure room or compartment for storing valuables |
vehemence | noun | Intensity or forcefulness of expression or emotion |
vehement | adj. | Showing strong and intense feelings |
vein | noun | A tube that carries blood to the heart |
venerate | verb | To regard with great respect or reverence |
ventilation | noun | The provision of fresh air to a room, building, etc. |
venture | noun | A risky or daring undertaking or journey |
verdict | noun | A decision on a disputed issue in a civil or criminal case or an inquest |
verify | verb | To confirm the truth or accuracy of something |
versatile | adj. | Able to adapt or be adapted to many different functions or activities |
verse | noun | A single line of poetry |
version | noun | A particular form of something differing in certain respects from an earlier form or other forms of the same type of thing. |
vertical | adj. | At right angles to the horizon or to level ground; pointing up or down rather than in a horizontal direction. |
vestige | noun | A small remaining part of something that once existed |
veteran | noun | A person who has served in the military |
veto | noun | A constitutional right to reject a decision or proposal |
vex | verb | To annoy or irritate |
vibration | noun | Rapid movement back and forth |
vigilant | adj. | Keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties |
vigor | noun | Physical strength and good health |
vigorous | adj. | Strong, healthy, and full of energy |
vindicate | verb | To clear from blame or suspicion |
violate | verb | To break or fail to comply with a rule or formal agreement |
violation | noun | Act of breaking a rule or law |
violent | adj. | Involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill. |
virtually | adv. | Nearly or almost |
virtue | noun | Moral excellence or goodness |
virtuous | adj. | Having high moral standards |
vital | adj. | Extremely important or necessary |
vivid | adj. | Producing powerful feelings or strong, clear images in the mind |
vocation | noun | A person's occupation or profession, especially regarded as particularly worthy and requiring dedication |
vogue | noun | The prevailing fashion or trend at a particular time |
void | adj. | Not valid or legally binding |
volcano | noun | A mountain or hill with a crater or vent through which lava, rock fragments, hot vapor, and gas are or have been erupted from the earth's crust. |
volume | noun | The amount of space that a substance or object occupies |
voluntary | adj. | Done by choice or without being forced |
volunteer | noun | A person who freely offers to take part in an enterprise or undertake a task |
vote | verb | To express a choice or opinion in an election or meeting |
vulgar | adj. | Lacking sophistication or good taste |
vulgarity | noun | The quality of being crude or offensive |
vulnerable | adj. | Capable of being physically or emotionally wounded or hurt |
waddle | verb | To walk with short steps and a swaying motion from side to side |
wade | verb | To walk through water or another liquid or soft substance |
wag | verb | To move something back and forth, typically a tail or finger |
wand | noun | A thin, light stick or rod often used in magic or as a symbol of authority. |
ware | noun | Manufactured articles, products of art or craft |
warily | adv. | In a cautious or careful manner |
warn | verb | To inform someone in advance of a possible danger or problem |
warrant | noun | A document issued by a legal or government official authorizing the police to make an arrest, search premises, or carry out some other action. |
warranty | noun | A written guarantee promising to repair or replace an item if necessary within a specified period. |
wary | adj. | Cautious or careful about possible dangers or problems. |
watch | verb | To look at or observe attentively over a period of time |
waver | verb | To become unsteady or unsure |
weather | noun | The state of the atmosphere at a place and time, including temperature, humidity, precipitation, and wind. |
weird | adj. | Unusual or strange |
welfare | noun | The health, happiness, and fortunes of a person or group |
wheedle | verb | To persuade someone to do something or give something by using flattery or coaxing |
whim | noun | A sudden desire or change of mind, especially one that is odd or unexplained. |
whir | verb | To make a low, continuous, regular sound |
whit | noun | A very small amount |
wholesome | adj. | Promoting health or well-being |
wield | verb | To hold and use a weapon or tool |
wistful | adj. | Having or showing a feeling of vague or regretful longing |
withdraw | verb | To take back or remove |
wither | verb | To become dry and shriveled |
witness | noun | A person who sees an event, typically a crime or accident |
witty | adj. | Showing quick and inventive verbal humor |
worldly | adj. | Experienced and knowledgeable about life and society |
worthy | adj. | Deserving respect or attention |
wrath | noun | Extreme anger |
wring | verb | To twist and squeeze something to remove liquid |
wry | adj. | Expressing dry, especially mocking, humor |
yearn | verb | To have a strong desire or longing for something |
yell | verb | To shout loudly, often in anger or excitement |
yelp | verb | To make a short, sharp cry |
yen | noun | The basic monetary unit of Japan |
abort | verb | To stop a process before completion |
abolition | noun | The act of officially ending something |
abbreviate | verb | To shorten a word or phrase |
abound | verb | To exist in large numbers or amounts |
abrasion | noun | A scrape or wearing away of the surface |
abreast | adv. | Side by side and facing the same way |
abrupt | adj. | Sudden and unexpected |
absence | noun | The state of being away or not present. |
absolutely | adv. | Completely or totally |
academy | noun | A place of study or training in a special field |
accessible | adj. | Easy to approach or reach |
accessory | noun | An item that adds to the appearance or functionality of something. |
accomplish | verb | To achieve or complete successfully |
accord | noun | An agreement or harmony between people or groups. |
accuracy | noun | The quality of being correct or precise |
accustom | verb | To make familiar with something through regular use or experience |
acoustic | adj. | Related to sound or the sense of hearing |
acquaint | verb | To make someone familiar with something |
activity | noun | The state of being active or doing something |
additional | adj. | More than is needed or wanted |
additive | noun | A substance added to something in small quantities to improve or preserve it |
address | noun | The particulars of the place where someone lives or an organization is situated. |
adjunct | noun | Something added or connected to a larger or more important thing |
admission | noun | Permission to enter a place or institution |
adobe | noun | A type of building material made from clay |
adolescence | noun | The period of life when a child develops into an adult |
adorn | verb | To make more beautiful or attractive |
advanced | adj. | Ahead in development or progress |
advent | noun | The arrival of a notable person, thing, or event |
adventure | noun | An unusual and exciting experience or activity |
advertise | verb | To promote a product, service, or event to encourage sales |
aerial | adj. | Existing, happening, or operating in the air |
aerobic | adj. | Relating to exercise that improves the efficiency of the body's cardiovascular system in absorbing and transporting oxygen |
agency | noun | An organization or business that provides a particular service |
airborne | adj. | Transported by air |
alarm | noun | A warning of danger |
alchemist | noun | A person who practices a form of chemistry and speculative philosophy from the Middle Ages, aiming to transmute base metals into gold and discover a universal elixir. |
alga | noun | Simple non-flowering plant of a large group that includes seaweeds and many single-celled forms |
allay | verb | To reduce or diminish fear, worry, or suspicion. |
allergy | noun | A condition where the immune system reacts abnormally to a foreign substance |
allocation | noun | Distribution of resources or duties |
alloy | noun | A mixture of metals |
alphabet | noun | A set of letters or symbols in a fixed order used for writing a language |
altitude | noun | The height of an object or point in relation to sea level or ground level |
amid | prep. | Surrounded by or in the middle of |
amino | adj. | Relating to or containing the group NH2 |
ammonia | noun | A colorless gas with a pungent smell, used in cleaning products and fertilizers |
amuse | verb | To entertain or make someone laugh |
amusement | noun | The state of finding something entertaining or funny |
analyze | verb | To examine or think about something carefully, in order to understand it |
anatomy | noun | The branch of science concerned with the bodily structure of humans, animals, and other living organisms. |
ancestor | noun | A person from whom one is descended, typically one more remote than a grandparent |
anchor | noun | A heavy object attached to a rope or chain used to moor a vessel to the sea bottom |
ancient | adj. | Belonging to the very distant past |
animation | noun | A film or visual art that creates the illusion of movement by displaying a series of images or frames |
annoyed | adj. | Feeling slightly angry or irritated |
annual | adj. | Occurring once every year |
anthropology | noun | The study of human societies and cultures and their development. |
antibiotic | noun | A medicine that inhibits the growth of or destroys bacteria. |
apartment | noun | A set of rooms forming a separate residence within a building |
apparent | adj. | Clearly visible or understood; obvious |
appetite | noun | A natural desire to satisfy a bodily need, especially for food |
applicable | adj. | Relevant or suitable |
appointment | noun | An arrangement to meet someone at a particular time and place |
approach | verb | To come near or nearer to something or someone in distance or time |
aquarium | noun | A transparent tank of water for fish, aquatic plants, or other aquatic animals |
aquatic | adj. | Relating to water |
archaeology | noun | The study of human history through excavation and analysis of artifacts |
architect | noun | A person who designs buildings and oversees their construction |
articulate | adj. | Able to express thoughts clearly and effectively |
artifact | noun | An object made by a human being, typically one of cultural or historical interest |
artificial | adj. | Made by human skill or effort rather than coming from nature |
artisan | noun | A skilled craftsperson who makes things by hand. |
artistic | adj. | Relating to or characteristic of art or artists |
ascending | verb | To move upward |
ascribe | verb | To attribute something to a cause or source |
assign | verb | To give someone a particular job or task |
assume | verb | To take for granted or without proof |
asteroid | noun | A small rocky body orbiting the sun |
atomic | adj. | Relating to atoms |
attach | verb | To fasten, join, or connect something |
attain | verb | To achieve or accomplish |
attempt | verb | To try to do something, especially something difficult |
attendance | noun | The act of being present |
attract | verb | To draw by appeal or charm |
attractive | adj. | Pleasing or appealing to the senses, especially visually. |
auction | noun | A public sale where items are sold to the person who offers the most money |
audio | noun | Sound, especially when recorded, transmitted, or reproduced |
automatic | adj. | Operating by itself with little or no direct human control |
automobile | noun | A vehicle with four wheels, powered by an engine, used for transporting people. |
avenue | noun | A broad road in a town or city, typically having trees at regular intervals along its sides |
aviation | noun | The operation of aircraft |
aware | adj. | Having knowledge or perception of a situation or fact |
awareness | noun | Knowledge or perception of a situation or fact |
awful | adj. | Very bad or unpleasant |
backlighting | noun | Illumination from behind |
bake | verb | To cook by dry heat in an oven |
balcony | noun | A platform enclosed by a wall or balustrade on the outside of a building, accessible from an upper-floor window or door. |
banner | noun | A long strip of cloth bearing a slogan or design, displayed in a public place or used in a demonstration or procession. |
barbecue | noun | A meal or gathering where food is cooked outdoors on a grill |
barge | noun | A flat-bottomed vessel, usually used for carrying cargo on canals and rivers. |
bark | noun | The outer covering of the trunk, branches, and roots of trees and woody plants |
barn | noun | A large building on a farm used for storing grain, hay, or straw or for housing livestock |
barrel | noun | A cylindrical container |
battery | noun | A device that stores and provides electrical energy |
bead | noun | A small, usually round object made of glass, wood, or plastic, often with a hole for threading or stringing |
beak | noun | The hard, pointed part of a bird's mouth |
beam | noun | A long, sturdy piece of wood or metal used in construction |
beaver | noun | A large semiaquatic rodent known for building dams |
belt | noun | A strip worn around the waist |
bind | verb | To tie or fasten tightly |
biography | noun | A written account of someone's life. |
bison | noun | A large, humpbacked, shaggy-haired wild ox native to North America and Europe |
blade | noun | The flat cutting part of a tool or weapon |
blanket | noun | A large piece of fabric used for warmth |
blip | noun | A temporary or minor change that does not have lasting significance |
blizzard | noun | A severe snowstorm with high winds and low visibility. |
bloom | verb | To produce flowers |
blossom | verb | To produce flowers |
blur | verb | To make or become unclear or less distinct |
bog | noun | A wetland area with spongy, waterlogged ground |
bony | adj. | Resembling or consisting of bones |
boom | noun | A loud, deep, resonant sound |
boost | verb | To increase or improve something |
boulder | noun | A large rock, typically one that has been worn smooth by erosion |
bounce | verb | to spring back from a surface after hitting it |
brand | noun | A type of product made by a particular company under a particular name |
brass | noun | A yellow alloy of copper and zinc |
breakthrough | noun | A significant or sudden advance or development |
brief | adj. | Short in duration, concise |
brilliance | noun | Great brightness or luster |
brilliant | adj. | Exceptionally clever or talented |
brochure | noun | A small book or magazine containing pictures and information about a product or service. |
bronze | noun | An alloy primarily of copper and tin |
brush | verb | To sweep, rub, or apply lightly over a surface |