This TOEFL vocabulary list has 4500 words. It is particularly useful when test day is coming, and you are planning to review TOEFL words in a short time frame.

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TOEFL 4500 - Set 13
(300 words)Word | POS | Definition |
intellect | noun | The ability to think and understand |
intent | noun | Purpose or plan |
interact | verb | To communicate or engage with others |
interest | noun | A feeling of wanting to learn more about something |
internship | noun | A temporary position with an emphasis on on-the-job training rather than merely employment |
interplay | noun | The way in which two or more things have an effect on each other |
interpret | verb | To explain the meaning of something |
intersection | noun | A point or line where two or more things cross each other |
interstellar | adj. | Occurring or situated between stars |
interval | noun | A space between two things or a gap in time between events |
intoxication | noun | The state of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs |
intriguing | adj. | Arousing curiosity or interest |
intuitive | adj. | Easy to understand without needing explanation |
invertebrate | noun | An animal lacking a backbone |
invitation | noun | A request to attend or participate in something |
involve | verb | To include as a necessary part or result |
ironic | adj. | Happening in a way opposite to what is expected, often causing wry amusement. |
ironically | adv. | In a way that is opposite to what is expected |
irony | noun | A situation or statement where the actual outcome or meaning is opposite to what is expected or intended. |
isolated | adj. | Far away from other places or people |
ivory | noun | A hard, white material from the tusks of elephants and other animals |
jaw | noun | The part of the skull that frames the mouth and holds the teeth |
jeans | noun | Casual pants made from denim fabric |
jelly | noun | A sweet, soft, and elastic food made by boiling sugar and fruit juice |
jeopardize | verb | To put at risk or in danger |
jewelry | noun | Decorative items worn for personal adornment, usually made from precious metals and stones |
jog | verb | To run at a slow, steady pace |
joint | noun | A point where two bones are connected in the body |
journal | noun | A daily record of news and events |
juice | noun | Liquid extracted from fruits or vegetables |
Jupiter | ||
justice | noun | The quality of being fair and reasonable |
keen | adj. | Having a sharp edge or point |
kennel | noun | A shelter for dogs |
kernel | noun | The central or most important part of something |
kerosene | noun | A flammable liquid derived from petroleum, used as fuel |
kiln | noun | A furnace or oven for burning, baking, or drying, especially for firing pottery, bricks, or ceramics. |
kinetic | adj. | Related to motion |
label | noun | A piece of paper, plastic, or other material attached to an object and giving information about it |
laboratory | noun | A room or building equipped for scientific experiments, research, or teaching. |
lace | noun | A delicate fabric made of yarn or thread in an open weblike pattern |
landing | noun | The act of coming down to the ground or another surface |
landmass | noun | A large continuous extent of land. |
landscape | noun | Visible features of an area of land, often considered in terms of their aesthetic appeal |
larva | noun | The immature form of an insect that undergoes metamorphosis |
laser | noun | A device that emits a focused beam of light through the process of optical amplification. |
latent | adj. | Existing but not yet developed or manifest |
Latin | ||
latter | adj. | Referring to the second of two things mentioned |
laundry | noun | Clothes and linens that need to be washed or have been washed |
laureate | noun | A person honored with an award for outstanding achievement |
lava | noun | Molten rock expelled by a volcano |
lay | verb | To put something down carefully |
layer | noun | A sheet, quantity, or thickness of material, typically one of several, covering a surface or body. |
layout | noun | The way in which parts of something are arranged |
leap | verb | To jump or spring a long way, to a great height, or with great force |
leather | noun | Material made from animal skin |
leftover | noun | Remaining food after a meal |
legend | noun | A traditional story sometimes regarded as historical but not authenticated |
legible | adj. | Clear enough to be read |
legislation | noun | Laws collectively |
legislature | noun | A group of people with the authority to make or change laws. |
leisure | noun | Free time |
lens | noun | A piece of glass or other transparent material with curved sides for concentrating or dispersing light rays. |
lethargy | noun | A state of sluggishness or lack of energy |
lettuce | noun | A leafy green vegetable often used in salads |
level | noun | A specific height or layer |
liberty | noun | The state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions |
librarian | noun | A person responsible for managing a library |
license | noun | Official permission to do something |
lichen | noun | A composite organism made up of a fungus and an alga living together in symbiosis |
lightning | noun | A natural electrical discharge in the atmosphere |
likewise | adv. | In the same way |
limb | noun | An arm or leg of a person or an appendage of an animal |
lime | noun | A small, green citrus fruit known for its acidic juice |
linear | adj. | Arranged in or extending along a straight or nearly straight line |
linen | noun | A fabric made from flax fibers |
linger | verb | To stay in a place longer than necessary, often without a clear purpose or reason |
linguist | noun | A person skilled in languages |
linguistic | adj. | Related to language or the study of language |
lipid | noun | A type of organic compound that is insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvents, including fats, oils, and waxes. |
literally | adv. | In a strict sense without exaggeration |
literary | adj. | Relating to literature |
literature | noun | Written works, especially those considered to have artistic value |
lithosphere | noun | The rigid outer layer of the Earth |
litter | noun | Waste materials carelessly discarded |
livelihood | noun | A means of securing the necessities of life |
livestock | noun | Animals raised for commercial purposes |
lizard | noun | A reptile with a long body and tail, movable eyelids, and usually four legs. |
load | verb | To put a large amount of something into or onto a vehicle, container, etc. |
lobby | noun | A large entrance or reception area |
locality | noun | A particular neighborhood or area |
locally | adv. | In a particular area or neighborhood |
locomotion | noun | The act or ability of moving from one place to another |
locomotive | noun | A powered rail vehicle used for pulling trains. |
lodge | verb | To become stuck or fixed in a particular place |
lounge | verb | To relax or recline in a lazy manner |
lower | adj. | Situated below or less in position, rank, or quality |
loyal | adj. | Showing constant support or allegiance to a person or institution |
lubricant | noun | A substance used to reduce friction between surfaces |
lumber | verb | To move in a slow, heavy, awkward way |
lunar | adj. | Relating to the moon |
lush | adj. | Having a lot of green, healthy plants |
luxury | noun | A state of great comfort or elegance, especially when involving great expense |
machinery | noun | Machines collectively or the components of a machine |
maglev | noun | A train that uses magnetic levitation to move without touching the ground |
magma | noun | Molten rock beneath the Earth's surface |
magnesium | noun | A chemical element with the symbol Mg and atomic number 12, known for being a light, silvery-white metal. |
magnet | noun | An object that attracts iron and some other materials |
magnetic | adj. | Having the properties of a magnet |
magnify | verb | To make something appear larger than it is, especially with a lens or microscope |
magnitude | noun | The size or extent of something |
maintenance | noun | The process of keeping something in good condition |
male | adj. | Relating to the sex that produces small, mobile gametes, especially sperm cells |
mammal | noun | A warm-blooded vertebrate animal with hair or fur, females have mammary glands which produce milk for feeding young. |
mammoth | noun | A large, extinct elephant |
manage | verb | To be in charge of or control |
manifest | adj. | Clear or obvious to the mind or eye |
manner | noun | A way in which something is done or happens |
mansion | noun | A large and impressive house |
mantle | noun | A covering layer or cloak |
manual | noun | A book or booklet that gives instructions or information |
march | verb | To walk in a military manner with a regular measured tread |
marked | adj. | Clearly noticeable or evident |
market | noun | A place or area where goods are bought and sold |
marsh | noun | An area of low-lying land that is flooded in wet seasons or at high tide, and typically remains waterlogged at all times. |
marvel | verb | To be filled with wonder or astonishment |
mask | noun | A covering for all or part of the face, worn as a disguise, for protection, or for entertainment |
mason | noun | A person skilled in building with stone, brick, or concrete |
mast | noun | A tall vertical pole on a ship or boat that supports the sails |
mat | noun | A piece of material placed on a floor for wiping feet or as a protective layer. |
match | verb | To be equal to something in quality, amount, or value |
mate | noun | A friend or companion |
material | noun | Substance or matter from which something is made |
mature | adj. | Fully developed physically; full-grown. |
maturity | noun | The state of being fully developed |
maximum | noun | The highest or greatest amount, extent, or degree possible. |
meager | adj. | Lacking in quantity or quality; insufficient; scanty. |
meantime | noun | The period between two events |
measure | verb | To determine the size, amount, or degree of something using an instrument or device. |
mechanic | noun | A person who repairs and maintains machinery |
mechanism | noun | A system of parts working together in a machine or process |
mechanist | noun | A person skilled in the design or construction of machinery |
mechanize | verb | To equip with machinery |
medal | noun | A piece of metal given as an award. |
media | noun | Means of communication that reach large audiences |
medieval | adj. | Relating to the Middle Ages, a period in European history from about the 5th to the late 15th century. |
melodic | adj. | Having a pleasing melody |
melodie | noun | A sequence of musical notes that are perceived as a single entity |
melody | noun | A sequence of musical notes that is musically satisfying |
melt | verb | To change from a solid to a liquid state, usually due to heat |
melting | verb | To change from a solid to a liquid state due to heat |
membrane | noun | A thin, flexible layer of tissue or material that covers or lines a structure or separates two areas. |
mental | adj. | Relating to the mind |
menu | noun | A list of dishes available in a restaurant |
mercantile | adj. | Related to trade or commerce |
merchant | noun | A person involved in trade |
mercury | noun | A chemical element that is a heavy, silvery metal, liquid at room temperature |
mercy | noun | Compassion or forgiveness shown towards someone |
mere | adj. | Being nothing more than something |
metabolic | adj. | Relating to the chemical processes within a living organism in order to maintain life |
metallic | adj. | Having the characteristics of metal, such as a shiny appearance or a certain sound. |
meteor | noun | A small body from outer space that enters the Earth's atmosphere |
meteorite | noun | A piece of rock or metal from space that has landed on Earth's surface |
meteorology | noun | The science of the atmosphere and its phenomena |
methane | noun | A colorless, odorless flammable gas that is the main constituent of natural gas |
method | noun | A particular form of procedure for accomplishing or approaching something, especially a systematic or established one. |
meticulous | adj. | Showing great attention to detail |
metric | noun | A standard of measurement |
metropolis | noun | A very large and densely populated city |
microbe | noun | A microorganism, especially a bacterium causing disease or fermentation |
microorganism | noun | A microscopic organism, such as a bacterium, virus, or fungus |
microprocessor | noun | An integrated circuit that contains the functions of a computer's central processing unit |
microscope | noun | An instrument used to see objects that are too small to be seen by the naked eye. |
microwave | noun | An appliance that cooks food using electromagnetic waves. |
migrate | verb | To move from one region or habitat to another, especially regularly according to the seasons |
mild | adj. | Gentle in nature or behavior |
military | adj. | Relating to soldiers or armed forces |
millennium | noun | A period of one thousand years |
mime | noun | A theatrical technique of expressing an idea or mood without speech, using only gestures, facial expressions, and movement. |
mimic | verb | To imitate someone or something, often to entertain or ridicule |
mineral | noun | A naturally occurring substance with a definite chemical composition |
minimal | adj. | Smallest in amount or degree |
minimize | verb | To reduce something to the smallest possible amount or degree |
minimum | noun | The least or smallest amount or quantity possible, attainable, or required. |
minor | adj. | Lesser in importance, seriousness, or significance |
mint | noun | A place where coins are made |
miracle | noun | An extraordinary event that cannot be explained by natural or scientific laws |
mission | noun | An important task or duty that is assigned, allotted, or self-imposed |
mobile | adj. | Able to move or be moved easily |
mode | noun | A way or manner in which something occurs or is experienced, expressed, or done. |
modeling | noun | The act of creating a representation of something |
modem | noun | A device that converts digital data to analog signals and vice versa for communication over telephone lines or other media. |
moisture | noun | A small amount of water or other liquid, often in the form of small drops |
molten | adj. | Made liquid by heat; melted |
monumental | adj. | Great in importance or size |
moral | adj. | Relating to principles of right and wrong behavior |
mosaic | noun | Art made by assembling small pieces of colored material |
mosquito | noun | A small flying insect known for biting and feeding on blood |
moth | noun | A nocturnal insect similar to a butterfly |
motivate | verb | To provide someone with a reason to act |
motive | noun | A reason for doing something |
motor | noun | A machine that produces motion or power for doing work |
mottled | adj. | Marked with spots or smears of color. |
mount | verb | To climb or ascend |
mountainous | adj. | Having many mountains |
multiple | adj. | Having or involving several parts, elements, or members |
multiply | verb | To increase in number, especially by reproducing |
mundane | adj. | Lacking excitement or interest; dull |
municipal | adj. | Relating to a city or town or its governing body |
mural | noun | A large picture painted or affixed directly on a wall or ceiling. |
muscle | noun | A tissue in the body that can contract, allowing movement |
mushroom | noun | A type of fungi with a stem and cap, often edible |
musical | adj. | Related to music or having a pleasant sound |
musician | noun | A person who plays a musical instrument or is musically talented |
musicologist | noun | A person who studies music and its history |
myriad | noun | A very large number of things |
myth | noun | A traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of a people or explaining a natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events. |
mythical | adj. | Relating to myths or legends |
mythology | noun | A collection of myths, especially one belonging to a particular religious or cultural tradition |
naive | adj. | Lacking experience or understanding |
naked | adj. | Not wearing any clothes |
nap | noun | A short period of sleep, usually taken during the day. |
narrative | noun | A spoken or written account of connected events; a story |
nationalism | noun | Devotion to one's nation and its interests |
naturalist | noun | A person who studies or is an expert in natural history, especially a zoologist or botanist. |
navigate | verb | To plan and direct the course of a vehicle or vessel |
navy | noun | A nation's fleet of warships |
nectar | noun | The sweet liquid secreted by flowers to attract pollinating insects and birds |
negate | verb | To make ineffective or nullify |
negative | adj. | Consisting in or characterized by the absence rather than the presence of distinguishing features. |
negotiation | noun | A discussion aimed at reaching an agreement |
neoclassical | adj. | Relating to a style of art, architecture, or literature that draws inspiration from classical Greek and Roman forms. |
neolithic | adj. | Relating to the later part of the Stone Age, when ground or polished stone weapons and implements prevailed |
neon | noun | A chemical element that is a colorless, inert gas |
neutron | noun | A subatomic particle with no electric charge |
nevertheless | adv. | In spite of that |
newsletter | noun | A printed or digital publication distributed regularly to a group of people, containing news and information. |
niche | noun | A specific area of expertise or interest |
nickel | noun | A silver-white metal used in alloys and for plating |
nitrogen | noun | A colorless, odorless gas that makes up 78% of Earth's atmosphere |
nomadic | adj. | Relating to people who move from place to place rather than settling permanently in one location |
nominee | noun | A person proposed for an award or position |
notate | verb | To write notes or comments on |
noticeable | adj. | Easily seen or detected |
notify | verb | To inform someone officially |
notion | noun | An idea or belief |
notwithstanding | prep. | In spite of |
nourish | verb | To provide with the food or other substances necessary for growth, health, and good condition |
novel | noun | A long written work of fiction with a complex plot |
nucleus | noun | The central and most important part of an object or group, forming the basis for its activity and growth. |
nutrient | noun | A substance that provides nourishment essential for growth and the maintenance of life. |
nutrition | noun | The process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth. |
oak | noun | A large tree with lobed leaves, known for its strength and durability |
oblivious | adj. | Not aware of or not concerned about what is happening around one |
obsess | verb | To preoccupy or fill the mind continually and to a troubling extent |
occupy | verb | To take control of a place, especially by military force |
occur | verb | To happen or take place |
oceanographer | noun | A scientist who studies the ocean |
octopus | noun | A marine animal with eight arms |
odd | adj. | Different from what is usual or expected; strange. |
olfactory | adj. | Related to the sense of smell |
onslaught | noun | A fierce or destructive attack |
ooze | verb | To slowly leak out a thick or sticky liquid |
opal | noun | A gemstone known for its iridescent play of colors. |
opaque | adj. | Not allowing light to pass through |
oppose | verb | To disapprove or fight against |
opposite | adj. | Completely different or contrary to something else |
optical | adj. | Related to sight or the action of light |
optimal | adj. | Most favorable or desirable |
optimistic | adj. | Hopeful and confident about the future |
oral | adj. | Spoken rather than written |
orchid | noun | A type of flowering plant with complex blooms, often grown for decoration. |
organic | adj. | Relating to or derived from living matter |
orientation | noun | Introduction to a new situation or environment |
outgas | verb | To release gas |
outline | noun | A general description or plan showing the essential features of something but not the detail. |
outrageously | adv. | In an extremely or shockingly bad or excessive manner |
overcome | verb | To succeed in dealing with a problem or difficulty |
overhaul | verb | To thoroughly examine and repair or improve something |
overlap | verb | To extend over and cover part of something else |
overseas | adv. | In or to a foreign country, especially one across the sea |
overwhelm | verb | To overpower or crush emotionally or physically |
owl | noun | A nocturnal bird of prey with large eyes and a flat face |
oxide | noun | A compound of oxygen with another element or group |
oyster | noun | A marine mollusk with a rough, irregular shell, often found in coastal waters, some of which are edible. |
pack | verb | To fill a container with things to be stored or transported |
packed | adj. | Filled to capacity |
paddle | noun | A tool used for moving a boat through water |
palate | noun | The roof of the mouth |
pale | adj. | Light in color or having little color |
pancreas | noun | A glandular organ in the digestive system that produces insulin and enzymes for digestion. |
panel | noun | A flat or curved component, typically rectangular, that forms part of a surface or structure. |
pants | noun | Clothing worn from the waist down |
paralyze | verb | To cause (someone or something) to lose the ability to move or feel in part or all of the body |
paramount | adj. | Most important or significant |
parliament | noun | The supreme legislative body in a country, typically a democracy |
participate | verb | To take part in an activity or event |
particular | adj. | Specific or distinct from others |
passage | noun | A way through which one can pass |