This TOEFL vocabulary list has 4500 words. It is particularly useful when test day is coming, and you are planning to review TOEFL words in a short time frame.
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TOEFL 4500 - Set 15
(314 words)Word | POS | Definition |
sew | verb | To join or attach by stitches |
sewage | noun | Waste water and excrement conveyed in sewers |
shallow | adj. | Of little depth; not deep |
sharply | adv. | In a sudden or abrupt manner |
shed | verb | To lose or drop something naturally |
shell | noun | The hard protective outer case of an animal or a nut. |
shelter | noun | A structure that provides privacy and protection from danger or the elements |
shift | verb | To move or cause to move from one place or position to another. |
shore | noun | The land along the edge of a sea, lake, or other large body of water |
shortage | noun | A state where there is not enough of something |
shortly | adv. | In a short time; soon |
shovel | noun | A tool with a broad blade and typically upturned sides, used for moving coal, earth, snow, or other material. |
shower | noun | A brief and usually light fall of rain, hail, sleet, or snow |
shrimp | noun | A small, marine crustacean with a long body and legs |
shroud | noun | A cloth used to cover something, especially a dead body |
shrub | noun | A woody plant smaller than a tree, usually with multiple stems |
shuttle | noun | A vehicle that travels back and forth between two points |
sieve | noun | A tool with a mesh or perforated bottom used to separate finer particles from coarser ones or solids from liquids. |
signal | noun | A gesture, action, or sound that is used to convey information or instructions |
significantly | adv. | In a way that is important or large enough to have an effect |
silicon | noun | A chemical element used in electronics |
silt | noun | Fine sand, clay, or other material carried by running water and deposited as a sediment. |
similar | adj. | Having a resemblance in appearance, character, or quantity, without being identical. |
simmer | verb | To cook gently just below boiling point |
simply | adv. | In a straightforward or plain manner |
simultaneous | adj. | Happening at the same time |
sinuous | adj. | Having many curves and turns |
situated | adj. | Located or placed in a particular position |
skeletal | adj. | Relating to or resembling a skeleton. |
skeleton | noun | The internal structure of bones that supports the body of an animal or human |
skip | verb | To move along lightly, stepping from one foot to the other with a hop or bounce |
skull | noun | The bone structure that forms the head and encloses the brain |
skyscraper | noun | A very tall building |
sled | noun | A vehicle for traveling on snow or ice, typically pulled by animals or pushed by a person. |
sledding | noun | The activity of riding on a sled. |
slender | adj. | Gracefully thin |
slice | noun | A thin, broad piece cut from a larger object |
slide | verb | To move smoothly along a surface |
slip | verb | To lose one's footing and slide unintentionally |
slog | verb | To work hard for a long period of time |
sloth | noun | Reluctance to work or make an effort |
slumber | verb | To sleep |
smoothly | adv. | In a way that is without difficulty or problems |
snack | noun | A small amount of food eaten between meals |
snowflake | noun | A single ice crystal or a cluster of ice crystals that falls as snow |
so-called | adj. | Used to indicate a name or term that might not be accurate or is used ironically |
soccer | noun | A team sport played with a round ball that may not be touched with the hands or arms during play, except by the goalkeepers. |
sociology | noun | The study of society and social behavior |
soda | noun | A carbonated soft drink |
sodium | noun | A soft, silvery-white, highly reactive metal element |
soft | adj. | Having a smooth texture |
solder | verb | To join metal pieces using melted metal |
solid | adj. | Firm and stable in shape; not liquid or fluid |
solo | noun | A performance by one person alone |
soluble | adj. | Capable of being dissolved in a liquid, especially water |
solution | noun | A means of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation |
sophisticated | adj. | Having a refined knowledge of the world |
soprano | noun | The highest vocal range for singers, typically female or young boys. |
sore | adj. | Painful or aching |
sound | noun | Vibrations that travel through the air or another medium and can be heard when they reach a person's or animal's ear. |
sour | adj. | Having an acidic taste |
sow | verb | To plant seeds in the ground for growth |
soybean | noun | A leguminous plant native to East Asia, widely grown for its edible seeds and oil. |
space | noun | The vast, seemingly infinite region beyond Earth's atmosphere. |
span | verb | To extend across a period of time or a range of items |
spare | verb | To refrain from harming or destroying |
spark | noun | A small fiery particle thrown off from a fire, or a small flash of light |
sparse | adj. | Thinly dispersed or scattered |
special | adj. | Better, greater, or otherwise different from what is usual |
specialize | verb | To focus on a specific area of study or work |
specialized | adj. | Designed for a particular purpose or area of knowledge |
species | noun | A group of similar organisms capable of interbreeding and producing fertile offspring |
specify | verb | To clearly define or identify |
specimen | noun | An individual example of something, especially an animal, plant, or piece of a mineral, used for scientific study or display. |
spectrum | noun | A range of different things, usually colors or ideas |
spice | noun | A substance used to flavor food |
spill | verb | To accidentally pour out liquid |
spin | verb | To turn around quickly |
spinning | verb | Turning around quickly |
spiny | adj. | Covered with or having spines |
spiral | noun | A shape made up of curves, each one above or wider than the one before |
splash | verb | To cause liquid to scatter in drops |
split | verb | To divide into parts or sections |
sponge | noun | A porous material used for cleaning or absorbing liquid |
sponsor | noun | A person or organization that provides funds for a project or activity |
spontaneity | noun | The quality of being impulsive or unplanned |
spread | verb | To extend over a larger area |
spun | verb | To turn or whirl around quickly |
spur | verb | To encourage or prompt someone to do something |
squid | noun | A type of sea animal with a soft body and long arms |
squirrel | noun | A small rodent with a bushy tail |
squirt | verb | To eject liquid in a thin stream |
stack | verb | To pile or arrange objects on top of each other |
stadium | noun | A large structure for sports or entertainment events with tiers of seats for spectators |
stage | noun | A raised platform for performances or presentations |
stagecoach | noun | A large, horse-drawn vehicle used for transporting passengers and mail along a regular route. |
staggered | verb | To walk or move unsteadily |
staggering | adj. | Astonishing or deeply shocking |
stain | verb | To mark or discolor something |
stake | noun | A strong wooden or metal post driven into the ground |
standard | noun | A level of quality or attainment |
staple | noun | A basic or principal item, especially of food. |
starch | noun | A carbohydrate found in plants, used as a food source and thickening agent. |
stark | adj. | Severe or bare in appearance or outline |
startling | adj. | Causing sudden surprise or alarm |
stash | verb | To store something safely in a hidden or secret place |
state | noun | A condition or situation |
statesman | noun | A skilled, experienced, and respected political leader |
station | noun | A place where a particular activity or service is based |
statistic | noun | A numerical fact or piece of data |
statistical | adj. | Related to the use or analysis of numerical data |
stature | noun | A person's natural height |
steep | adj. | Having a sharp inclination; precipitous. |
steer | verb | To guide the direction of a vehicle or vessel |
stellar | adj. | Related to stars |
stereo | noun | A sound system with two or more speakers that creates the illusion of multi-directional sound. |
stew | noun | A dish made by slow cooking meat and vegetables in liquid |
stick | noun | A long, thin piece of wood |
sting | verb | To pierce or wound with a sharp-pointed part |
stir | verb | To mix a substance by moving an implement through it in a circular motion |
stock | noun | A supply or quantity of something available for use |
storage | noun | The act of keeping something in a particular place until it is needed |
strand | noun | A single thin length of something such as thread, fiber, or wire, often twisted with others to make a rope or cable. |
strategy | noun | A plan of action designed to achieve a long-term or overall aim |
stratum | noun | A layer of material, often one of several parallel layers. |
stream | noun | A small, narrow river. |
stress | noun | A state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances. |
stretch | verb | To extend or lengthen |
strict | adj. | Demanding that rules concerning behavior are obeyed and observed |
strike | verb | To hit or attack someone or something forcefully |
string | noun | A thin piece of cord |
stripe | noun | A long, narrow band or strip differing in color or texture from the surrounding area |
studio | noun | A room or building for the purpose of creating art, music, or broadcasting |
stylish | adj. | Having elegance or sophistication in appearance or manner |
stylistic | adj. | Related to style, especially in art or literature |
stylized | adj. | Designed or presented in a non-realistic, artistic manner |
subdue | verb | To bring under control |
subject | noun | A person or thing being discussed, described, or dealt with |
submarine | noun | A watercraft capable of underwater operation |
subsidize | verb | To support financially |
subsidy | noun | Financial aid provided by the government to support a specific sector or industry. |
subsist | verb | To maintain or support oneself, especially at a minimal level |
subspecies | noun | A taxonomic group that is a division of a species |
substance | noun | A particular kind of matter with uniform properties |
substitute | verb | To replace one thing or person for another |
subtle | adj. | Not obvious or easy to notice |
suburb | noun | A residential area on the outskirts of a city or large town |
subway | noun | An underground railway system used for public transport |
suffragist | noun | A person advocating for voting rights, especially for women. |
suitcase | noun | A portable case for carrying clothes and personal items |
sulfur | noun | A yellow chemical element |
summary | noun | A brief statement that presents the main points |
sunlit | adj. | Illuminated by the sun |
sunset | noun | The time in the evening when the sun disappears below the horizon |
superior | adj. | Higher in rank, status, or quality |
supervise | verb | To watch over and direct a process or activity |
supplement | noun | Something added to complete a thing or make up for a deficiency |
suppress | verb | To stop something from being expressed or known |
surge | noun | A sudden, powerful forward or upward movement |
surgeon | noun | A medical doctor who performs operations |
surrender | verb | To give up control or possession of something, often after a struggle |
suspend | verb | To temporarily prevent from continuing or being in force or effect |
suspension | noun | Temporary removal or stopping of something |
sustained | adj. | Continuing for an extended period without interruption |
swallow | verb | To cause or allow to pass down the throat |
swamp | noun | A wetland area with trees and standing water |
swan | noun | A large waterbird with a long neck, known for its graceful appearance and often white plumage. |
swear | verb | To make a solemn promise or oath |
sweat | verb | To excrete moisture through the pores of the skin |
sweep | verb | To clean or clear a surface by brushing away dirt or debris |
sweeping | adj. | Wide-ranging or extensive |
swing | verb | To move back and forth or from side to side |
switch | verb | To change the position, direction, or focus of |
syllable | noun | A unit of pronunciation having one vowel sound, with or without surrounding consonants |
symbolic | adj. | Serving as a representation or symbol for something else |
sympathy | noun | The feeling of pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune |
symphony | noun | A long and complex musical composition for an orchestra, typically with multiple sections. |
synonym | noun | A word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another word |
synthesize | verb | To combine elements to form a coherent whole |
syrup | noun | A thick, sweet liquid made by dissolving sugar in boiling water |
systematic | adj. | Done according to a fixed plan or system |
tactic | noun | A planned action to achieve a specific end |
tariff | noun | A tax on goods coming into or leaving a country |
technique | noun | A way of carrying out a particular task, especially the execution of an artistic work or a scientific procedure |
technological | adj. | Related to or involving technology |
tectonics | noun | The study of the structure and movement of the Earth's crust |
tedium | noun | The state of being monotonous and boring |
telegraph | noun | An old communication system using coded signals sent over wires |
telescope | noun | An instrument designed to make distant objects appear nearer, containing an arrangement of lenses, or of curved mirrors and lenses, by which rays of light are collected and focused and the resulting image magnified. |
tendon | noun | A flexible but inelastic cord of strong fibrous collagen tissue attaching a muscle to a bone |
tenement | noun | A large building divided into apartments, often in a poor area |
tension | noun | The state of being stretched tight |
tentacle | noun | A slender, flexible limb or appendage in animals, especially around the mouth of an invertebrate, used for grasping or moving. |
terminal | adj. | Relating to an end or final stage |
terminology | noun | The set of terms or vocabulary used in a particular field or subject. |
terrain | noun | The physical features of a tract of land |
terrestrial | adj. | Relating to the Earth or land |
territory | noun | An area of land that is under the jurisdiction of a ruler or state. |
texture | noun | The feel or appearance of a surface or substance |
therapy | noun | Treatment of physical or mental disorders |
thorn | noun | A sharp, pointed part of a plant |
thorough | adj. | Complete with great attention to detail |
thrifty | adj. | Using money and resources carefully and not wastefully |
thwart | verb | To prevent someone from accomplishing something |
tile | noun | A flat, thin piece of material used for covering surfaces |
tolerant | adj. | Showing willingness to allow the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with. |
topography | noun | The arrangement of natural and artificial features of an area |
topsoil | noun | The uppermost layer of soil, rich in nutrients, where plants grow |
tornado | noun | A violent rotating column of air extending from a thunderstorm to the ground |
torrent | noun | A strong and fast-moving stream of water or other liquid |
tournament | noun | A series of contests in a particular sport or game |
towering | adj. | Extremely tall, especially in comparison to surroundings |
toxic | adj. | Containing or being poisonous material, especially when capable of causing death or serious harm |
tract | noun | An area of land or water |
tragic | adj. | Causing or characterized by extreme distress or sorrow. |
transfer | verb | To move from one place to another |
transit | noun | The act of passing through or across a place |
translucent | adj. | Allowing light to pass through but not detailed shapes |
transmit | verb | To send or pass something from one person, place, or thing to another |
transplant | verb | To move something from one place to another |
tread | verb | To walk in a specific way |
trench | noun | A long, narrow ditch |
tribal | adj. | Relating to a group of people with shared ancestry and culture |
tributary | noun | A smaller river or stream that flows into a larger one |
trigger | verb | To cause an event or situation to happen or exist |
tropic | noun | Either of the two circles of latitude on Earth that mark the most northerly and southerly positions at which the sun can be directly overhead |
troupe | noun | A group of performers |
tube | noun | A long, hollow cylinder |
tuition | noun | The fee for instruction |
tundra | noun | A vast, treeless region with a cold climate and frozen subsoil, typically found in the Arctic and Antarctic regions. |
tunnel | noun | An underground passage |
turbulent | adj. | Characterized by conflict, disorder, or confusion; not stable or calm. |
turkey | noun | A large bird native to North America, often raised for food |
turnpike | noun | A major highway that requires a toll for use |
turtle | noun | A reptile with a hard shell that lives in water or on land |
tutor | noun | A person who provides individual instruction |
twine | noun | Strong string made of two or more strands twisted together |
twinkling | noun | A very brief moment |
twist | verb | To bend or turn into a different shape |
tycoon | noun | A wealthy and powerful business person |
ultimately | adv. | In the end or finally |
ultimatum | noun | A final demand or statement of terms, the rejection of which will result in retaliation or a breakdown in relations |
ultraviolet | adj. | Relating to electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths shorter than visible light but longer than X-rays. |
unaided | adj. | Without help or assistance |
unconsolidated | adj. | Not firmly joined together |
undergo | verb | To experience or be subjected to something, typically something unpleasant or challenging |
underlying | adj. | Fundamental or basic, serving as a basis or support |
underneath | prep. | Situated directly below something |
underscore | verb | To emphasize or highlight something |
undertake | verb | To commit to and begin a task |
uneven | adj. | Not level or flat |
uniform | noun | A distinctive outfit worn by members of the same organization or group |
unify | verb | To make or become a single unit |
unity | noun | The state of being united or joined as a whole |
unparalleled | adj. | Having no equal or match; exceptional |
unprecedented | adj. | Never done or known before |
unpredictable | adj. | Not able to be predicted or foreseen |
unravel | verb | To untangle or separate the threads of something |
unsubstantiated | adj. | Lacking evidence or support |
untamed | adj. | Not domesticated or controlled |
untapped | adj. | Not yet used or exploited |
upheaval | noun | A strong or violent change or disturbance |
uppermost | adj. | Highest in position or rank |
utilitarian | adj. | Designed to be useful or practical rather than attractive |
utmost | adj. | Greatest or highest in degree or intensity |
utter | verb | To say something or to make a sound with one's voice |
vacate | verb | To leave a place that one currently occupies |
vaccine | noun | A substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against diseases |
vapor | noun | A substance diffused or suspended in the air, especially one normally liquid or solid |
varied | adj. | Incorporating a number of different types or elements |
vascular | adj. | Relating to the vessels that carry blood or other fluids in the body |
vegetarian | noun | A person who does not eat meat |
vegetation | noun | Plants collectively, especially those found in a particular area or environment. |
vehicle | noun | A machine used for transporting people or goods, especially on land |
velocity | noun | The speed of something in a given direction |
vent | verb | To express feelings, especially anger or frustration |
verbal | adj. | Related to words or speech |
vertebrate | noun | An animal with a backbone |
vessel | noun | A ship or large boat |
viable | adj. | Capable of working successfully |
vibrate | verb | To move back and forth rapidly |
vice | noun | Immoral or wicked behavior |
violently | adv. | In a forceful or intense manner |
viral | adj. | Relating to or caused by a virus |
virus | noun | A microscopic infectious agent that replicates only inside the living cells of an organism |
visible | adj. | Able to be seen |
visual | adj. | Relating to sight or seeing |
vocal | adj. | Expressing opinions or feelings freely and loudly |
volatile | adj. | Likely to change rapidly and unpredictably, especially for the worse. |
voyage | noun | A long journey, especially by water or into space |
wagon | noun | A vehicle used for transporting goods or passengers, typically one that is pulled by horses |
wane | verb | To decrease in size, extent, or degree |
warehouse | noun | A large building for storing goods |
warp | verb | To twist or bend out of shape |
wasp | noun | A stinging insect with a slender body and wings |
watercourse | noun | A natural or artificial channel through which water flows |
wax | noun | A solid, yellowish substance made by bees and used in making candles, polish, etc. |
weathering | noun | The process by which rocks are broken down by natural forces |
weed | noun | A wild plant growing where it is not wanted and in competition with cultivated plants. |
wick | noun | A strip or cord in a candle or lamp that is lit |
willful | adj. | Intentional or deliberate |
willow | noun | A type of tree with narrow leaves and flexible branches |
wispy | adj. | Thin and fine |
withstand | verb | To remain undamaged or unaffected by something |
wrap | verb | To cover or enclose something with paper or other material |
wreck | verb | To destroy or severely damage something |
X-ray | ||
yarn | noun | A long, thin strand made from fibers, used for knitting or weaving. |
yeast | noun | A fungus used in baking and brewing to make dough rise and ferment liquids. |
yield | verb | To produce or provide |
yogurt | noun | A dairy product made by fermenting milk with bacteria. |
zealous | adj. | Showing great energy or enthusiasm |
zinc | noun | A bluish-white metallic element used to galvanize iron and as an ingredient in various alloys and compounds. |
zone | noun | An area distinguished by a particular characteristic or purpose |